Available courses

The course will provide students with a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of Virtual Reality (VR) through its history and current practices and will facilitate students to gain practical experience by developing a VR project.

‘Digital technologies and Art’ offers an approach to the use of multimedia software to carry out projects using work with multimedia formats (mainly audio, video and photo) with the aim of creating prototypes and projects with Klynt software. The subject is based on a first phase of face-to-face classes (8 hours) and the rest of the semester videoconferences with the entire group every 2 weeks and 2 specific practices:

 1 - Individual practice: it consists of the realization of a prototype portfolio by each student of the master DIA.

 2 - Group practice: it consists in the development of a group project that has something to do with the field of art using the Klynt tool.

Aceasta disciplină isi propune să asiste practic studenții în etapele necesare producției unui proiect practic pentru lucrarea de dizertație. Studenții vor fi asistați în planificarea activităților de cercetare și producție a unui proiect practic, corelat cu elaborarea lucrării teoretice și descrierea realizării lucrării practice, luaînd în considerare înțelegerea formatului media ales și a prezentării finale. 

The course explores how the digitization of information, the Internet and the possibility of instantaneous global communication allow the aggregation of the old media formats with the completely new ones, creating the conditions for the emergence of new media genres. Documentary models illustrating these aspects will be analyzed.

The main objective of the course is to identify an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for the analysis of performative artistic productions incorporating digital technologies in order  to equip the artists with the skills and competences needed in a multidisciplinary team able to perform intermedia productions. The theorization of intermedia / multimedia artistic expressions, on the one hand, and the development of an academic training program in art from an interdisciplinary perspective, on the other hand, will create the premises for the development of new models of artistic expressions, aligned with the European and international standards.

The unprecedented development of technologies and electronic media in the XXth Century, as well as the more recent developments of digital technologies and new media formats, have greatly impacted the art forms of representation, generating new genres of art.  The course will develop advanced skills of analysis and understanding of how digital art representation and new models of distribution affect the making and reception of works of art, as well as the spread of ideas and the forming of social relationships, within the context of contemporary digital culture.